Nurturing Your Baby’s Soul Review
Compiled and edited by Nancy Hearn and Dr. Joye Bennett.
Offers incredible insights into the inner life of the unborn child and presents practical spiritual techniques and meditations you can use to help develop your baby’s unique gifts. Fascinating stories from parents recounting their experiences with their unborn child.
softbound 233 pages
“Incredible insights into the inner life of the unborn child with practical spiritual techniques and meditations to use to help develop your baby’s gifts.“
You can order this incredible book here.
Is there anything you can do to increase your child’s potential before he or she is born? Nurturing Your Baby’s Soul offers incredible insights into the inner life of the unborn child. Practical spiritual meditations to help develop your baby’s unique gifts are shared. Includes inspiring stories from parents.
• Bond and communicate with your baby’s soul before birth
• Understand the soul, karma and families
• Improve your relationships and spiritualize your marriage
• Help your child reach his highest potential and fulfill his life’s mission
• Practice prayer, meditation and affirmations for the conception and protection of that special soul you want to bring into your life
• Use sound, music and art to transform the genes, body, mind and soul of your unborn baby
Includes charts, illustrations, visualizations, recommended music and affirmations.
Available in Spanish in the near future.
Editor’s Insight
Dr. Joye Bennett said, “I remember well the peaceful night when Mrs. Prophet and I finalized the first version of Nurturing Your Baby’s Soul. Midst our work, you could feel the hush of heaven, of souls waiting to be born. It was a delicate and sublime moment.
“On more than one occasion, Mrs. Prophet shared with me her concern to publish these vital teachings on bringing forth souls of light. She was excited to convey to young people this path for parents.”
“If you really follow this path with all your heart, use the violet flame, use all of the meditations and the proper diet—really pursue God—you can reach the place where souls of light and great attainment are born to you. And by the science of the spoken word, you can bring forth advanced souls with bodies and with genes that are adequate to their consciousness.” – Elizabeth Clare Prophet
“Such a vision! As a mother and psychologist, my experiences with children have convinced me that understanding the soul is vital for raising healthy children. Parenting the soul nourishes a love that allows the child to discover her inner creative self—and to thrive in joy.
“While preparing Nurturing Your Baby’s Soul, I had the honor of listening to story after story of parents’ experiences with their children’s souls—even before conception! Deeply touching stories of prenatal healing, joyful adoption angels, Tibetan souls coming to American families, as well as the subtle, intuitive impressions between parent and child enriched my understanding of the soul.
“Since publishing Nurturing Your Baby’s Soul, I have continued to hear the sweetest stories from parents who enter into the mysteries of the soul’s sacred journey.”
Readers Reviews of Nurturing Your Baby’s Soul
“This is a beautiful book with a fresh and enlightening perspective that helps mothers and fathers to connect with their baby’s soul. Not only did I use it for both of my pregnancies, but I also have recommended it to friends, family, and a number of women I have worked with in the field of high-risk pregnancies. This is a vitally important book for every prospective parent who really desires to give their child a strong, healthy foundation even before birth—spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. I highly recommend it!” EN, an OB nurse in Washington, DC
“Our adopted daughter appeared to her grandmother in a sweet pink dress about two years before she came to our family. Such a testimony to the soul’s journey!” JB, Minneapolis
“Nurturing Your Baby’s Soul is profound because it addresses the core issue of the soul in life—and how we, as parents, can help our children fulfill their soul’s mission. I was so moved by the many testimonials of parents who had experiences with their children even before the babies were born—and sometimes even before conception. This well-written book provides valuable tools for parents to spiritualize their marriage and families. Anyone who reads this book will never view life in the same way!” CM, Montana
“A fascinating, mind-opening, heart-opening book flooded with inspiration, hope and encouragement. Any prospective parent or guardian can benefit deeply from reading Nurturing Your Baby’s Soul and the touching stories it contains.”
Hugh Prather, author of Spiritual Notes to Myself and coauthor of Spiritual Parenting
Nurturing Your Baby’s Soul Excerpts
On the Soul’s Journey in Pregnancy
“Before conception I had an inner experience of seeing my daughter in a past embodiment. She was a Tibetan monk in an orange-colored robe sitting cross-legged. After seeing this, I thought my child was going to be a boy, but she was a little girl!She is now two years old and looks Tibetan with a round head, dark eyes and dark skin. She also has a very self-reliant character. The first time she heard Buddhist chants at about seven months of age, she stopped what she was doing, listened and swayed back and forth. It was as if she remembered doing this from her Tibetan life.“
Before birth, each soul is shown her mission for that life. The mission is very specific to each soul. The soul is wise. She knows the past and its application to the present and the future. And she knows what she needs to fulfill her mission in life.
The soul carries with her the records of karma from lifetime to lifetime.
Communication with the souls of our children before and during pregnancy is one of the most rewarding experiences parents can have!
Education Begins before Conception!
“For many years, I’ve known that education begins in the womb. I think I knew that long before I had my five children.
“I believe that in all areas of prenatal and postnatal education, what we do as mothers and fathers–providing a stimulating environment, teaching our child and speaking to that child in the womb—awakens faculties that would otherwise die on the vine before the child was considered even capable of using those faculties for learning.
“Education begins not only before birth but perhaps long before conception, when the angels bring to the mother and the father the notification that a soul is ready to be born” – Elizabeth Clare Prophet
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